Free samples available with shipping and taxes paid by the buyer
100ML , 200 ML
Asia Australia South America Eastern Europe Western Europe Africa
Gujarat Telangana Lakshadweep Bihar Jharkhand Assam Chhattisgarh Goa Karnataka Chandigarh Manipur Uttar Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Sikkim East India West Bengal Tamil Nadu North India Andaman and Nicobar Islands Daman and Diu Dadra and Nagar Haveli Jammu and Kashmir West India Pondicherry Haryana Uttarakhand Arunachal Pradesh Tripura Nagaland Delhi Madhya Pradesh Central India Punjab Himachal Pradesh Meghalaya South India Odisha Maharashtra Mizoram Rajasthan Kerala All India
WHO-GMP, ISO 9001:2015
Product Description
In cooking, syrup is a condiment that is a thick, viscous liquid consisting primarily of a solution of sugar in water, containing a large amount of dissolved sugars but showing little tendency to deposit crystals. In its concentrated form, its consistency is similar to that of molasses